Last September, the students of the Interuniversity Master’s Degree Cultural Heritage in the XXI Century: Management and Research initiated the research project of this academic course that will take them to know in depth the heritage of the Casa de Campo of Madrid.
This Historic Place, declared a BIC by the Community of Madrid, is home to an abundant cultural and natural heritage unknown to the people of Madrid: viewpoints, paleontological and archaeological sites, caves from the time of Philip II, the palace of the Bargas, etc.
The objective of this activity, which is carried out with the collaboration of the Madrid Business Forum and with the internal support of the UCM Entrepreneur Office, is to recognize the potentialities and assets of the cultural heritage it contains, to improve its dissemination and presentation public, since the recovery of this environment is a commitment of the Madrid City Council. In addition, it aims to generate more cooperative relationships among students based on the production of proposals through collective knowledge, which are encouraged from creativity and public presentation of playful character with the use of learning methodologies for projects and portfolio.
After applying the methodology of Design Thinking to obtain their lines of action, they have organized themselves into teams that will work from different perspectives: the memory of the space, the historical decorating of its stage as an enclosure of the monarchy to its constitution as a public park, also the history of the surrounding neighborhoods (Campamento and Argüelles), the LGTBI movement, etc.
In the coming months, they have to work on these issues in depth, so you will soon have more news.