Management and Dissemination of Cultural Heritage

Cultural Heritage of the Casa de Campo


For this 2018-2019 academic year, students of the research subject of the Interuniversity Master’s Degree Cultural Heritage in the XXI Century: Management and Research will carry out an activity together with the Business Forum of Madrid and with the support of the Entrepreneur’s Office of the UCM in the unique environment of the Casa de Campo in Madrid.

This activity aims to recognize their potential and cultural heritage assets, to improve their dissemination and public presentation, as the recovery of this environment is a commitment of the City of Madrid. In addition, it aims to generate more cooperative relationships among students based on the production of proposals through collective knowledge, which are encouraged from creativity and public presentation of playful character with the use of learning methodologies for projects and portfolio.

Again, leaving the common standards of the Spanish educational method, students will work throughout the process as a team, from the moment of the initial search for ideas with which to direct their work, through the Design Thinking method, to the public presentation of their proposals and subsequent perfection of the work taking advantage of the feedback that external experience brings.


Heritage Management and Museology subjects


Strategies of the past for present day community is a project funded by Foro de Empresas de Madrid where we have worked with a wide variety of methods for learnig with real-life application through cooperation with compannies. We focus on social innovation through new ways of publishing and working with cultural heritage with organizations and places where it is not regularly done. We also experiment with traditional and new values of great interest in the city of Madrid (projects, learning, services, cocreation, creativity, participation and entrepreneurship)

20th Century Cultural Heritage Master’s degree: management and research: Research module.


By using project-based learning methods and reinforcing creativity in investigation, we develop participative experiences aimed to show new ways of understanding and comunicating the cultural heritage of Ciudad Univesitaria, a Historical Site of Cultural Interest. Audio mapings of the area hava been made with de aid of an artist, and also diffussion projects focused on cultural goods of Ciudad Universitaria, from an innovattion and public transport perspective, using aerial views, history and materiality from a genre perspective, and social and artistic movements happened in the campus.


En el caso de los alumnos y alumnas de los Grados de Historia y Arqueología:

  • Los universitarios, aprendan a diseñar proyectos atendiendo a desafíos reales en el mundo empresarial, utilizando metodologías inspiradas en Design Thinking.
  • Prueben los proyectos diseñados en el marco de las asignaturas en colaboración con empresas e instituciones. El aprendizaje se llevará a cabo sobre experiencias reales, que orienten a los universitarios hacia la búsqueda de soluciones innovadoras.


La aplicación práctica de esta colaboración consiste en aportar a las empresas del Foro nuevos modelos de trabajo desde la perspectiva de las humanidades, con especial peso en el patrimonio cultural.  Las actividades comprenderán desde el diseño de cursos de formación sobre la historia de la propia empresa hasta acciones sobre el territorio o creación de exposiciones, etc…


En el caso del Máster en Patrimonio. En colaboración con la Intransit y la UCM y la artista invitada Miriam Fernández, los estudiantes tendrán que realizar un mapeo sonoro por Ciudad Universitaria. Además, recogerán indicadores referentes al valor patrimonial del Campus, en relación con el nivel de conocimiento, interés, etc. de las personas asistentes a la actividad.

Organizados en grupos, los treinta estudiantes realizarán una primera visita el día 16 de noviembre, en la que recogerán los datos, y una segunda de devolución de los resultados procesados y adaptados a la ciudadanía de Madrid y a la propia comunidad universitaria.

Alicia Castillo Mena



Grado en Historia (4º curso)


Centre / University

Facultad de Geografía e Historia / Universidad Complutense de Madrid - UCM

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